Check them out if you have any interest in doing any Advance Wars sprite work. Special thanks to the Advance Wars Comedians, who have publicly shared their incredible collection of sprite sheets, official and custom, from a number of talented artists. Thankfully, Advance Wars had a strong presence of fans making comics for the game. This will give the battle animations their proper look and give the armies their distinct base of operations. As a result, those identifying traits of the units can be seen even on the map.īeyond units, Advance Wargroove will provide particle effects and HQ properties.
Sonja also attended the Orange Star military academy with Sami whom she often studied with, though this bit of backstory for her is not mentioned in the English translation.
She is the daughter of Yellow Comet's emperor and Commander-In-Chief Kanbei and acts as the nation's Head of Intelligence. The new look for the Orange Star and Blue Moon factions doubles the size of map-level sprites and nearly doubles the battle animation sprites scale. Sonja is a Yellow Comet CO and a protagonist in the Advance Wars series of video games. More animated features, but a look faithful to the original games. The art is a mix of Advance Wars 2 and Wargroove. That covers 19 unique units across 2 different factions, both battle and map animations.
The goal of Advance Wargroove is to provide higher resolution sprites for Orange Star and Blue Moon from Advance Wars 2.